26 Mac 2011
The huge hall of Yuk Choy School in Jelapang was packed. All the tables was sold out and a record crowd of more than a thousand people attended the PSM’s Fighting Fund Night organized by PSM Jelapang under the leadership of PSM Deputy National Chairperson M.Saraswathy , who is also the Chairperson for the branch.
The mood for the night was to oust BN and the need to work harder to topple the 53 years of BN rule. Also present were PSM’s National Chairperson Dr. Nasir Hashim, Secretary General S.Arutchelvan and Dr. Jeyakumar –PSM’s Member of Parliament for Sungai Siput.
The guest of honour was Nizar Jamaluddin the popularly ousted Chief Miniter of Perak who was toppled by a coup by UMNO led by Najib Razak. Nizar gave a rousing speech. He clenched his fist and said that the next General Electuion, PSM will stand with the fist logo and together with Pakatan Rakyat, we will oust BN from Perak and Malaysia. He got a rousing applause.
The day was filled with many more speeches and many local leaders have called for Saras to be made the candidate in Jelapang because of the tremendous amount of work being put there. A slide show shown was testimony of the amount of work, issues, struggle undertaken by the PSM Branch in Jelapang since Thsunami 2008.
PSM Secretary General in his speech spoke about the three wish to Pakatan. Let’s stand under one logo to defeat the BN, let’s have one to one contest with BN and most importantly – let’s get the best candidate to stand.
He also warned that the people must be ultimately prepared for the election or the streets because UMNO and BN are going to fight and it is getting dirtier and dirtier.
M.Saraswathy spoke about people’s power and that together the people can achieve victory. She spoke passionately about the challengers as well as the victories and the fruits of the struggle.