Pekerja Ladang Blue Valley Menaikkan "Banner" Perjuangan

13 Ogos 2009

Pekerja Ladang Blue Valley hari ini telah mencipta sejarah dalam perjuangan mereka dengan menaikkan banner perjuangan buat kali pertama. Banner tersebut adalah mengenai tuntutan hak pekerja mereka. Selain itu, ia juga menerangkan bahawa hak mereka sebagai pekerja perlu dijaga sekiranya ladang ini ditutup atau bankrap. Banner tersebut dibuat sendiri oleh mereka.

Pengurus ladang, Babu Nair bersama pekerja kanannya, Doriraj telah cuba memberhentikan pekerja daripada menaikkan banner tetapi tidak berjaya. Babu Nair telah cuba menakutkan pekerja dengan mengambil gambar-gambar mereka. Ini telah ditentang oleh pekerja dengan kesemua mereka mendampingi Babu Nair ke mana sahaja beliau bergerak mengambil gambar. Akhirnya Babu Nair telah berhenti mengambil gambar.

Babu Nair telah memanggil polis yang kemudian telah datang ke tempat pekerja menaikkan banner. Disebabkan ini adalah banner perjuangan pekerja dan ia dinaikkan di dalam ladang, pihak polis telah beredar selepas mendengar penjelasan. Seorang polis SB juga telah datang untuk merisik apa yang sedang berlaku.

Selepas itu, Babu Nair bersama Doriraj telah membuat laporan polis. Para pekerja juga telah membuat laporan polis terhadap ugutan Babu Nair yang telah menyatakan bahawa beliau akan mengunakan apa jua cara untuk menanggalkan banner tersebut.

Hidup Perjuangan Pekerja Ladang Blue Valley!

Suresh Kumar
PSM Cameron






The forty thousand strong mobilisation today in Kuala Lumpur and the thousands who did not make it because of police road-blocks gave a very clear and precise message to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak – repeal the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA).

The pro-ISA gathering fizzled out or was drowned by the immense anti-ISA gathering led by the Abolish ISA Movement – a coalition of 83 organisation including Parti Sosialis Malaysia.

This has been the biggest ever gathering organised against the ISA since the draconian law was enacted 49 years ago. The police used chemical laced tear gas on the peaceful and well organised crowd. More than four hundred people were arrested. Including scores of PSM supporters. The gathering spearheaded by PAS and other opposition party was the biggest opposition rally since the last general election. PSM and JERIT played prominent role with the other parties in organising this huge gathering. It was a victory for the democratic movement and a blow to the Government and the pro-ISA group.

The Prime Minister yesterday called on the anti-ISA protesters to give him ideas on how to improve this draconian law which his Government said that they are in the process of amending it. The message today was clear that the people want the ISA abolished.

The ISA has been used for the last five decades, by all the Prime Ministers against democratic movements, workers movement, civil society and student movements to enable the Government to cling to its power. It was the the deadliest arsenal in the hands of the ruling party.

PSM applaud the brave people who came to the streets today to make a point. The rally today was participated by a huge number of young people given hope that the strugggle ahead is bright.



Secretary General