Hari ke-122: Sidang Media di Pejabat PM, Putrajaya dedahkan MB Pahang &Dato G.Palanivel Beri Janji Kosong
MB Pahang dan Palanivel dituduh berbohong
K Pragalath | September 26, 2012
PSM mempertikaikan kenyataan mengenai isu Cameron Highlands dan bertujuan campur tangan Najib.
PETALING JAYA: Menteri Besar Pahang Adnan Yaakob dan Presiden MIC, Datuk G Palanivel telah memungkiri janji mereka untuk menyelesaikan masalah keselamatan dan isu pemilikan tanah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk di Cameron Highlands, menurut Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) hari ini.Ia juga menuduh kedua-dua mereka menipu apabila mereka mengeluarkan satu kenyataan pada 17 Julai mendakwa masalah penduduk telah diselesaikan, yang merupakan sumber aduan daripada penduduk hari ini.
Pemimpin PSM Cameron Highlands , B.Suresh Kumar, membuat dakwaan tersebut selepas menyerahkan satu memorandum kepada Pejabat Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Beliau juga meminta temujanji dengan Najib."Kami mahu Najib untuk menyelesaikan masalah penduduk kerana Adnan dan Palanivel telah gagal untuk menunaikan janji mereka," katanya kepada pemberita.Green Cow merupakan kawasan rumah, pertanian dan ternakan kambing di atas bukit.
Pemaju hartanah sedang menjalankan aktiviti menolak tanah di atas bukit membahayakan nyawa dan harta penduduk yang hidup di bawah bukit.Dalam Kea Farm, kerajaan negeri hendak meroboh gerai untuk memberi laluan kepada projek komersial.
Di Blue Valley, petani yang mengadu bahawa mereka telah dinafikan pemilikan tanah walaupun setelah bertani selama 50 tahun.
Suresh menuduh kerajaan negeri memberi tanah kepada kroni dan ini merugikan para petani dan peniaga kecil.
"Orang yang bersekongkol dengan kerajaan negeri dan kroni mereka diberikan geran tanah walaupun permohonan untuk membuka tanah baru telah dihentikan sejak tahun 2002," katanya."Rakyat telah hilang kepercayaan dan keyakinan terhadap kepimpinan Adnan. Beliau tidak mahu berjumpa dengan penduduk Cameron Highlands sejak 2010. "
Beliau juga berkata Adnan berjanji untuk melawat penduduk & petani bermasalah pada Mei 2011 tetapi tidak berbuat demikian.
Palanivel pula, Suresh berkata, ketua MIC tersebut telah cuba untuk memberi gambaran bahawa dia telah melakukan sesuatu bagi rakyat Cameron Highlands walaupun dia tidak.Beliau mengaitkan ini kepada kepentingan Palanivel dalam cuba bertanding kerusi parlimen Cameron Highlands dalam pilihanraya akan datang.
Suresh adalah antara 20 aktivis yang telah didakwa di bawah Akta Perhimpunan Aman pada 11 Julai dan dimasukkan ke dalam lokap sehari sebelum dibebaskan kerana protes di luar Pejabat MB Pahang.
Merujuk kepada demonstrasi itu, ia adalah untuk mengetengahkan isu-isu di Cameron Highlands.
Suresh berkata Palanivel pernah bertemu beliau dan penduduk lain pada 5 Julai untuk menghalang mereka dari protes di hadapan Pejabat MB Pahang."Kami bertanya kepadanya untuk mengikuti kami untuk mendapatkan jawapan dari Menteri Besar, tetapi beliau berkata beliau terlalu sibuk," katanya.
"Tetapi kemudian pada 17 Julai, dia dan Adnan memberikan satu kenyataan bersama bahawa semua isu telah diselesaikan."
Untuk kawan-kawan yang ingin membantu penduduk Green Cow menghadapi tindakan mahkahmah, bantuan kewangan boleh diberikan melalui akaun:
PSM CENTRE (Hong Leong Bank)
No Akaun 0061-1000-32377
Jumlah yang sudah dikutip sehingga 26/9/2012: RM3658.00
Sila maklumkan kepada kami selepas membuat sumbangan. Hubungi kami melalui:
Suresh Kumar di 019-569 6964
Faks: 05-4914088
Alamat: Gabungan Penduduk Green Cow, c/o Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Cawangan Cameron Highlands, C1-G3, Blok C1, Royal Lily, 39000 Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang.
Lawati laman kami di
Terima kasih & salam perjuangan.
Disediakan oleh,
Suresh Kumar
PSM Cawangan Cameron Highlands
019-569 6964
Day 122: Press Conference In front of PM's Office in Putrajaya
Pahang MB and Palanivel accused of lying
K Pragalath | September 26, 2012
PSM disputes a statement about Cameron Highlands issues and seeks Najib’s intervention.
PETALING JAYA: Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob and MIC president G Palanivel have reneged on their promise to resolve security problems and land ownership issues faced by farmers and traders in Cameron Highlands, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) alleged today.
It also accused the two of dishonesty when they put out a statement on July 17 claiming to have settled those problems, which are the source of complaints from farmers and traders in Green Cow, Kea Farm and Blue Valley.
The leader of PSM’s Cameron Highlands branch, B Suresh Kumar, made the allegations after he submitted a memorandum to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s office. He also requested an appointment with Najib.
“We want Najib to resolve the problems since Adnan and Palanivel have failed to keep their word,” he told reporters.
Green Cow used to be farming land spread out atop a hill. Property developers are currently carrying out earth-moving activities there, apparently endangering the lives and properties of farmers who live below the hill.
In Kea Farm, the state government is demolishing trading stalls to give way to a commercial project.
In Blue Valley, farmers are complaining that they have been denied land ownership despite having worked the land for nearly 50 years.
Suresh accused the state government of giving land to its cronies to the detriment of the farmers and traders.
“People allied to the state government and their cronies are given land titles even though applications to open new land have been stopped since 2002,” he said.
“The people have lost trust and confidence in Adnan’s leadership. He has not met the people of Cameron Highlands since 2010.”
He also said Adnan promised in May that he would meet the farmers and traders but had not done so.
As for Palanivel, Suresh said the MIC chief was trying to give the impression that he was doing something for the people of Cameron Highlands even though he was not.
He attributed this to Palanivel’s interest in seeking election to the Cameron Highlands parliament seat.
Suresh was among 20 activists who were charged under the Peaceful Assembly Act on July 11 over a protest a day earlier outside the Pahang Menteri Besar’s office.
Referring to that demonstration, which was to highlight the issues in Cameron Highlands, he said Palanivel met him and other organisers on July 5 to dissuade them.
“We asked him to follow us to get an answer from the Menteri Besar, but he said he was too busy,” he said. “And then on July 17, he and Adnan gave a joint statement that all the issues had been resolved.”
For those friends who wants to contribute financially to Green Cow residents for the legal battle against the arrogant developer LTT Development, you can contribute thru the account:
PSM CENTER (Hong Leong Bank)
Account number: 0061-1000-32377 Total amount collected: RM3658.00 until 26/9/2012
Please inform us after making a donation. Contact us by:
Suresh Kumar at 019-569 6964
E -mail:
Fax : 05-4914088
Address: Green Cow Residents Coalition, c/o the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Cameron Highlands Branch, C1-G3, Block C1, Royal Lily, 39000 Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang.
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Thanks for the support.
Prepared by,
Suresh Kumar
PSM Branch Cameron Highlands